The video is of 27 minutes but I only have 18 minutes.
लक्ष्मण सुवेदी/नयाँ पत्रिका
काठमाडौं, ३ असोज
नेपाली सिनेमाकी चल्तीकी नायिका नम्रता श्रेष्ठ अश्लील भिडियोको विवादमा फसेकी छिन् । म्युजिक भिडियोकी महँगी र सिनेमाकी 'चुजी' नायिका नम्रताको 'मेरो एउटा साथी छ' काठमाडौंका हलहरूमा प्रदर्शन भइरहेको छ ।
नम्रता र किचयम चित्रकार
(डिजे तान्त्रिक) ले सहवास गरेको लाइभ दृश्य भन्दै मोबाइल-मोबाइलमा भिडियो फरवार्ड भइरहेको छ । नम्रता र डिजे तान्त्रिक प्रेमी-प्रेमिका भएको र आफैले हेर्न मोबाइलबाट यस्तो दृश्य खिचेको चर्चा छ । भिडियो बजारमा आएपछि हंगामा भएको छ ।
६ मिनेटको भिडियोमा देखिने युवतीले बाउलामा सेता धर्का भएको रातो ट्रयाक लगाएकी छिन्, तल केही पनि लगाएकी छैनन् । युवकले त तलमाथि केही पनि लगाएका छैनन् ।
युवा-युवती सहवासमा लिप्त छन्, वेला-वेला मोबाइलतर्फ पनि हेर्छन्, 'ब्याकग्राउन्ड'मा वेला-वेला संगीत पनि सुनिन्छ । संगीतसँगै दुवैजनाले पालै-पालो मुख-मैथुन गरेका छन् । क्यामेराले दुवैजनाको यौनांग जुम पनि गरेको छ ।
भिडियो हेर्दा सहवास मात्र होइन, 'सुटिङ' पनि सहमतिमा भएको स्पष्ट बुझिन्छ । उनीहरू दुवै मदिराले मातेकाजस्ता देखिन्छन् ।
स्रोतका अनुसार यो भिडियोले केही महिना पहिले नै बबण्डर मच्चाइसकेको थियो । डिजे तान्त्रिककी श्रीमतीले उजुरी गरेपछि माइती नेपालका अधिकारीहरूले नम्रता र तान्त्रिकलाई कार्यालयमै बोलाएर माफी माग्न लगाएको स्रोतको दाबी छ ।
दुवैजनाले यस्तो क्रियाकलाप आइन्दा नगर्ने कसम खाएको चर्चासँगै पुरानो भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएको छ । सो भिडियोमा देखिने युवाका रूपमा चर्चामा आएका डिजे तान्त्रिकसँग सम्पर्क हुन सकेन । नायिका नम्रताले भने सो भिडियो आफ्नो हो वा होइन भन्नेबारे केही बोलेकी छैनन् ।
विवादास्पद भिडियोबारे प्रस्ट पार्न पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरेर सबै कुरा खोल्ने बताएकी छिन् । 'जे भन्नुछ म भोलि
(आइतबार) भन्छु,' उनले नयाँ पत्रिकासित भनिन्, 'म पत्रकार सम्मेलन गर्छु, नभए प्रेस वक्तव्य जारी गर्छु ।' उनले भिडियो विवादबारे चासो राखेकोमा नयाँ पत्रिकालाई एसएमएसबाट समेत धन्यवाद दिइन्, तर भिडियोबारे चर्चा गर्न नै चाहिनन् ।
म्युजिक भिडियोमा भव्य सफलतापछि नम्रता चलचित्रमा छिरेकी हुन् । उनले अभिनय गरेको पहिलो चलचित्र 'सानो संसार' गत वर्ष हिट भएको थियो । उनको दोस्रो सिनेमा 'मेरो एउटा साथी छ' अहिले बजारमा छ ।
नम्रता नेपाली म्युजिक भिडियोकी सबैभन्दा महँगी मोडल हुन् । धेरै पुराना नेपाली नायिकाले एउटा चलचित्रबाट ५० हजार रुपैयाँ पारिश्रमिक लिन्छन् भने नयाँ नायिका नम्रताले एउटै फिल्मबाट डेढ लाखसम्म लिने गरेकी छिन् । सहकर्मीहरू उनलाई महँगी भए पनि भलाद्मी कलाकार मान्छन् ।
सबै कुरा भोलि
(आइतबार) बताउँछु: नम्रता
शनिबार राति ९
:०० बजे
नयाँ पत्रिका कार्यालयबाट नम्रताको मोबाइलमा डायल, फोन धेरै ढिलो उठ्छ ।
हेलो, नम्रताजी नमस्कार ।
को बोल्नुभएको ?
म नयाँ पत्रिकाबाट लक्ष्मण सुवेदी ।
ए, भन्नोस् न ।
बजारमा तपाईंको भन्दै एउटा अश्लील भिडियो आएको छ, त्यहीबारेमा तपाईंको प्रतिक्रिया लिऊँ
भनेर ।
ए, मलाई पहिले तपाईंको मोबाइल नम्बर एसएमएस गरिदिनुस् न...
फोन राखियो ।
राति ९
:१५ (एसएमएसमा नयाँ पत्रिका समाचारदाताको नम्बर गएको केहीबेरमा) नम्रताको मोबाइलबाट फोन आयो फोन- तत्कालै काटियो ।
राति ९
नयाँ पत्रिका कार्यालयको नम्बरबाट नम्रतालाई फोन । यसपटक पनि ढिलै उठ्यो फोन ।
: हेलो को बोलेको ?
म नयाँ पत्रिकाबाट, भर्खर तपाईंको फोन आएको थियो । उठाउँदा-उठाउँदै काटियो । अँ, अब भन्नुस् न अश्लील भिडियोबारे तपाईंको भनाइ के छ ?
यसबारेमा म अहिले केही भन्न सक्दिनँ । मलाई यसबारेमा फोन आएको आयै छ । म यो कुराले एकदमै डिस्टर्भ छु । मेरो सुटिङ भइरहेको छ । तनावले सुटिङमा पनि जान सकिनँ ।
कहिले बोल्नुहुन्छ त तपाईं ? या मौन बस्नुहुन्छ ?
मैले अब के गर्ने भन्ने डिसिजन लिन सकेकी छैन । भोलि नै मैले पत्रकार सम्मेलन गर्छु होला । नभए प्रेस रिलिज गर्छु । त्यसो पनि नभए पर्सनल्ली मिडियापर्सनलाई फोन गरेर आफ्नो कुरा राख्छु । त्यसैले अघि तपाईंको मोबाइल नम्बर मागेकी ।
आज नै धेरै चर्चा भइसक्यो, केही त प्रतिक्रिया होला तपाईंको ?
म अहिले केही पनि बताउन सक्दिनँ । भोलि नै भन्छु नि ।
तपाईं भोलि के भन्ने मुडमा हुनुहुन्छ ?
हेर्नुस्, मैले यत्रो आठ-नौ वर्ष यो क्षेत्रमा काम गरें । त्यो कुरा त तपाईंहरूलाई पनि त थाह छ नि..
उसो भए बजारमा तपाईंले त्यो भिडियो 'फेक' हो, त्यो केटी म होइन भन्ने मुडमा हुनुहुन्छ ? त्यही प्रतिक्रिया लेखूँ त ?
होइन, यसबारेमा म अहिले केही बताउँदिनँ । भोलि नै क्लियर हुन्छ । ओके...बाइ ।
CHUSEY- I don't give a F**k.. No matter what she still rocks but I'm not her fan though. I've never changed my vision towards her even whatever pops out in the media.. we want more...
If u think you're gonna suicide then stop doing s**t in the media... this website is just a little part of that but things are already running every streets of Nepal.. so if u really wanna change then go back and stop it....WELL SAID BTW...
I know you are a good human being, just trying to have fun or kill your time. I can understand your indulgence in publicizing such a video. May be your link in sajha will get a couple of thousands of hit and may be you will get a good night sleep thinking that you did a great job.
But tell me, doing such an imbecile act ruining other's personal life - what would you get ? Have your moral and ethics already died?
If they are now running in the streets of Nepal, then don't be one of them. Such people don't have their own good lives and can't see others too.
Last but not the least- no offense brother. But if somebody makes your video and circulates them in the internet- think what would happen to your life and your partner. I dont know about you but your partner will die of shame.
Peace brother. Inspire yourself with the quote below.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato (427-347 B.C.)
Don't worry she won't commit suicide... coz she knew those past events.. despite that this girl (Namrata or else) decided to go with recording the acts.. that's her wish..
It's a beautiful thing... sex is considered always a taboo throughout the history.. hence all these nonsense.... I don't care if the girl in it is Namrata or Samrata.... that's a sexual act.. enjoy it... publicising this mms might ruin her is only because of the mentality of the people, their pysche and their conditioning of minds/brains !!...
Kartik is coming.. the scenes of male and female dogs becoming ONE in the streets of Nepal will be rampant... what's wrong about that... the other dog doesn't care what the two dog did... it's natural.
It's only humans who always tried to live far from Natural way since they came out of the caves.
Let's not make taboo.... beautiful people can have sex... can have punlic sex.. I don't care.. let them enjoy the hormone mediated acts...
Buddha didn't become buddha... before that he slept with thousands of beautiful girls... he had all luxuries... everything.. but ultimately he renounced all and got awakened... all you did in the past is past... Past never was.... the future is not yet... so enjoy the present... that's why it is called GIFT.... Live in Present.... because that Present is Infinity.
thank you for those who are not having problem with my post. I am really sorry for those who don't know and don't try to know the definition of private and public. It is no more private dude, so stay cool.
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I hope she doesn't commit suicide or do anything wrong in response to this. Mannn, people aren't nice anymore. They just want to put crap on others so as to feel themselves better.
Hope she doesnt do anything wrong. She did nothing wrong, she had sex with her bf and trusted him thinking he would keep it secret as per story he did but someone got it and flashed it out. It was her private life being public. I personally wont care about this because it is natural and ppl do have sex and will continue appreciating her job in the movies. Ask urself if ur loved one asked u to do anything and u give that confused look they will surely say U dont trust me?
tyesto situation na-aayesamma tyo yo bhanne hamro bani, jaba afulai aaiparcha taba mero byetha kasle bujhla bhanne kasle jannun. euta article hereko thiye kehi mahina agadi something like "malai pareko chaina .... paschim nepal ma euta manche lai goli hanyo, aa hanyo thikai cha malai hanena malai k matlab.
purwa ma koshi le sabai bagayo haha ma kathmadu ma baschu bagaye bagaos malai bagayena ta.
yesto soachnu bhayena. even she deserves to live and do what she wants..she is high profile and her life isnt private bhanne haru pani holan..but as an individual usko pani ta life cha ni haina?
ppl who degrade sex- one question? arent u product of that process? Namrata be bold and make sure u dont let anyone take videos from next time and carry on with ur good acts in the movies/music videos.
I liked her previous movie, she did awesome job there.
well she is certainly a paris hilton!! speaks english all the the time during sex. well video is already out all cell phones in nepal before here so asking to delete is nonsense.again, dr. nep phils are out here, personal life, bf/gf bla bla but the fact, she did this with married man what about the life of another victimized woman??? I also worried about her life in context of nepal but get a grip - it's all over newspaper too, why dont ya do something instead trying to become e-hero in sajha. But I bet 100%, those who are asking to delete have downloaded the video too. soul search bro soul search...
Biden out, Trump next president, so what’s gonna happen to TPS, termination?
and it begins - on Day 1 Trump will begin operations to deport millions of undocumented immigrants
Tourist Visa - Seeking Suggestions and Guidance
From Trump “I will revoke TPS, and deport them back to their country.”
I hope all the fake Nepali refugee get deported
Anybody gotten the TPS EAD extension alert notice (i797) thing? online or via post?
advanced parole
TPS Renewal Reregistration
Sajha Poll: Who is your favorite Nepali actress?
Biden said he will issue new Employment visa for someone with college degree and job offers
Why Americans reverse park?
Nepali Passport Renew
Driver license help ASAP sathiharu
They are openly permitting undocumented immigrants to participate in federal elections in Arizona now.
ढ्याउ गर्दा दसैँको खसी गनाउच
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