I ve assumed that time is only the independent variable and all other parameters depends solely on time.
I ve done for velocity and acceleration and you can complete BB and DD.
I ve used cubic spline algorithm (it fits the cubic polynomial betn the spaced data).
%% 1D Cubic Spline interpolation of tabulated data
% By Alter Ego @ 10/30/11
% Vel., Acc, BB and DD are assumed to be dependend solely on time
time = [99.9 100.5 101.8 102.7 103.9 104.8 105.6 106.1 106.5 106.8 107.3 107.9 110.2 111.5 112.8];
velocity = 2:2:30;
acceleration = 3:2:31;
timei = 100:112;
velocityi = spline(time, velocity, timei);
accelerationi = spline(time, acceleration, timei);
%% New table
bpm = [87 88 85 86 86 78 98 87 85 86 86 78 98];
newtable = [timei' bpm' velocityi' accelerationi'];